Ontrack Reclaims Animation Tape from Orly Productions

August 14, 2022

The Situation Orly Productions is one of New Zealand's most experienced film and television production companies. From its studio in Christchurch, Orly's tight-knit creative team oversees the...

The Situation A customer of Ontrack, a leading pharmaceutical company, needed data management expertise when tapes were found in a basement partially flooded by fire sprinklers. No one knew what was...

Challenge This customer suffered a cyberattack wherein the attacked volume was originally used to back up data to LTO8 tapes at regular intervals. Most of these backup tapes were in the tape library...

Challenge A ransomware attack of a company server encrypted the Microsoft Dynamics 365 data and demanded payment. Recent backups of the server were stored on multiple LTO-6 backup tapes, which had...

KLDiscovery Ontrack, LLC, 9023 Columbine Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347, United States (see all locations)