Spring Cleaning your Electronic Devices Properly
With spring on the way, many of us will start cleaning our desks and our homes, but what about spring cleaning our devices? Now is a perfect time to clean them out and increase your storage space for...
How to Migrate your Legacy Tape to a New Backup Solution
The basics of tape migration and the questions that arise Tape, as an archive and data storage medium, has been around for over 60 years now and is still widely common companies of all sizes. Tape...
Ontrack | Virtualization | Ontrack blog
Virtualization is not only for early-adopters or IT geeks anymore. The technology has found its place in almost every IT department and data center, but the advantages of the technology - fast and...
Why Should you Erase Virtual Data?
Traditionally, getting rid of data from storage media has often been limited to hard drives from old PCs and laptops once they reach the end of their usable lifespan. However, with today’s...
How to Migrate a Petabyte of Data in the Cloud
The cloud seems to be on everyone's mind these days, but what does this "cloudy" concept really mean? The term comes from the IT world, where, in the case of network diagrams, areas not specified in...
How Difficult is NAS Server Recovery?
So, you think recovering a NAS server is an easy task? Well, think again. NAS servers may be a lower-cost RAID based solution aimed at small to medium-sized companies, but technically, they are as...
It's Time to Rethink Tape Storage - A Brief Overview
Keeping data “just in case” is no longer an option The death of tape as a corporate storage medium is an exaggeration. The vast majority of organizations still use tape storage to back up data either...