Ontrack PowerControls Update: Features from the Latest Release

Written By: Ontrack

Date Published: August 28, 2022

Ontrack PowerControls Update: Features from the Latest Release

Ontrack’s development team has been hard at work creating the latest version of the Ontrack PowerControls™ product suite with the goal of providing a better user experience for customers.

Here’s what you can expect from Ontrack PowerControls 9.4:

Top Takeaways from the PowerControls 9.4 Release

Ontrack PowerControls now features new support for Sharepoint encryption as well as updated OS support and multiple maintenance updates.

  1. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

    Support is now available for transparent data encryption in Sharepoint.

  2. Large File Support

    Ontrack PowerControls has been updated to support larger file sizes.

  3. Windows Server 2022

    Ontrack customers will now have access to support for the latest version of the Windows server operating system as a PowerControls host.

  4. Windows 11

    The most recent release from the family of Windows operating systems, Windows 11 is now also supported by Ontrack PowerControls as a host.

  5. Maintenance Updates
  • SendDate displayed on data grid (PCEX)
  • dtSearch update to 2021.01 version (PCEX, PCSP)
  • Documentation updates


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