Erasure Verification Services

Are your data destruction processes 100% effective? Find out with our Erasure Verification Services.

Guarantee information security and safeguard against data breaches by independently auditing your data erasure and asset disposal processes.

An important step in data security

Companies and government agencies are implementing strict data security policies due to the increase of data breaches and publicised stories of misplaced storage media.

Data destruction is an important part of the data lifecycle. Verifying your existing in house processes adds security when repurposing or disposing of end of life media, and gives peace of mind that your methods are effective.

A secure data destruction process helps to prevent:

Theft of sensitive data

Leaving sensitive information on any data storage device that is damaged or reaches the end of its life cycle puts your organisation at risk for theft, accidental exposure or legal ramifications.

Poor control of sensitive internal data

Using a verified erasure process on an employee’s computer after they leave a company (and before that computer is given to another employee) limits access to sensitive information.

Regulatory compliance violations

Data privacy and retention regulations force organisations to both retain and dispose of certain data and prove that proper procedures are in place to maintain compliance. A verified erasure process using data erasure software or hardware will help your organisation better meet these regulations.

How the process works

Our erasure verification services can be tailored to your exact requirements, however a basic project would usually consist of these four stages:

Device preparation


A pre-determined set of files are written to your media so we can check if they have been erased.

Sanitisation Procedure


The device is erased using your preferred sanitisation process.

In-depth Analysis Performed


We conduct a thorough analysis for any residual data, including the set of test files.

Detailed Report Created


Receive a detailed report outlining the results of the analysis.

Gray- Recover Business 4 End of Life

Repeatable data destruction

Once your data destruction process has been verified by our Erasure Verification Service, you can repeat the process with the confidence it is 100% effective. If the data recovery experts at Ontrack cannot find data on your media, no one else will.

Request a free consultation today

Contact our team of specialists for a free quote and find out how our erasure software and solutions can help you.

Nexus, 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB, United Kingdom (see all locations)