How to protect your data when remote working

13 July 2020 00:00:00 EDT

Last year, remote working was something the majority of employees used to enjoy on an ad hoc basis. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, remote working has become our everyday norm! Remote working may...

12 March 2020 00:00:00 EDT

Email retention policy: Are you staying GDPR compliant?

Ever since its implementation on May 25, 2018, GDPR has been at the top of the list of priorities for many organisation’s. However, with so many elements to consider, it can be quite easy for...

28 January 2020 00:00:00 EST

How to wipe a phone to sell: An eBay checklist

Whether or not we choose to line up outside the Apple store every September for the latest iPhone launch, most of us nowadays replace our smartphones with some regularity. After all, it’s still...

11 June 2018 00:00:00 EDT

GDPR and email encryption: The perfect partners?

With the GDPR having been in full effect for a couple of weeks, some companies are still struggling with the processes to make their IT compliant to the new regulations. Since the GDPR covers many...

28 September 2017 00:00:00 EDT

Guest post: 8 steps to protect your website

Website security is a hot topic as attacks are quickly growing in number and sophistication. As a small website or blog owner, you may believe that you don’t need to worry about your website, as...

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