Using Docker containers? Beware of these security risks

03 August 2017 00:00:00 EDT

Docker can efficiently create, ship and run containers. A container wraps an application’s software into an invisible box with everything it needs to run. This includes the operating system,...

21 July 2017 00:00:00 EDT

Smart jackets: a new era of wearable technology

Only a few years have passed since wearable technologies first appeared with smartwatches and a new revolution is already knocking at the door. It’s now not just about wearing a hi-tech watch on your...

14 July 2017 00:00:00 EDT

A bright idea: storing data using light-based memory chips

The world's first fully light-based storage chip that can store data permanently was developed by scientists at the University of Oxford in collaboration with scientists in Exeter, plus Karlsruhe and...

07 July 2017 00:00:00 EDT

Lost your mobile device? Here's how to get it back

So many of us have been there; you leave your smartphone somewhere and forget to pick it up, or the less fortunate may have been victims of a theft. Unfortunately, these situations happen and...

26 June 2017 00:00:00 EDT

What to do when your data is corrupted

Understanding corrupt data Have you ever seen a corrupted digital picture or have you not been able to open a file inside an application due to data corruption? You are not alone. Data corruption is...

21 June 2017 00:00:00 EDT

How Ontrack recovered data from the Columbia space shuttle disaster

It’s February 1st 2003, and after 17 days in space the Columbia space shuttle is scheduled to land at the Kennedy Space Centre at 9:16am, marking the end of the STS-107 mission. At approximately...

14 June 2017 00:00:00 EDT

Double Murder Mystery - How did data solve the case?

Among some of the most amazing cases of data recovery that we have dealt with, one that stands out is a double murder mystery. The mystery A woman had been found dead at her home, next to another...

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