Does a disabled iOS device mean your data is lost for good?

07 September 2018 00:00:00 EDT

We’ve all done it: completely forgotten what the passcode is for our iOS device. You try and remember it but in the process enter an incorrect passcode a handful of times. And, before you know it,...

05 September 2018 00:00:00 EDT

The main issues with the MacBook Pros embedded SSD

The new MacBook Pro has been released, and boy, does it look good! We’ve read the reviews, saved up the many, many pennies needed to buy it, and decided what version we want. But there is one problem...

16 August 2018 00:00:00 EDT

Webmail vs Email Clients: Which one is more secure?

Imagine a scenario…you’re typing away writing an important email on your Webmail account; you hit send and suddenly your computer screen goes black. You don’t panic as you think it’s probably nothing...

09 August 2018 00:00:00 EDT

The challenges in data recovery today

The majority of people think the development of technology over the years has helped to shape the world we now live in. Today’s computer/phone/tablet allow us to work wherever we want, talk to...

27 June 2018 00:00:00 EDT

How to protect data on a USB drive

Over the years, USB memory sticks have improved in a variety of ways: smaller size, larger storage and faster than ever before. Because of these improvements, a large number of people now choose to...

25 June 2018 00:00:00 EDT

Are Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions actually what you think?

Sometimes marketing experts lead the ordinary computer user (or even IT administrators) in the wrong direction such as with the term Data Loss Prevention (DLP). This term is usually seen on your...

11 June 2018 00:00:00 EDT

GDPR and email encryption: The perfect partners?

With the GDPR having been in full effect for a couple of weeks, some companies are still struggling with the processes to make their IT compliant to the new regulations. Since the GDPR covers many...

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