How to check if an SSD Drive is fake

03 June 2019 00:00:00 EDT

Over recent years, a number of fake SSD drives are now becoming more readily available on the market. With prices as little as £20 and the fact they are for sale on well-known sites such as eBay and...

23 May 2019 00:00:00 EDT

Case study: dd command causes vital data to disappear

Over the years, the workplace has evolved in many areas. None so prevalent as the IT environment. Today, many companies have had to implement highly complex systems in order to keep up with the...

16 May 2019 00:00:00 EDT

Answering Your Magnetic Tape Troubleshooting Questions

Over the years, there have been many debates regarding the role of the oldest data storage medium, the tape. FStoring data for long periods of time is still a requirement for many companies. Many...

02 May 2019 00:00:00 EDT

What is a hard drive head crash?

A head crash occurs when our device has suffered physical damage and the read-write head comes in contact with the spinning platter. As a read-write head only hovers nanometres above the spinning...

18 April 2019 00:00:00 EDT

How to store data on Mars

Storing data in outer space is no walk in the park! There are many differences between using computers on Earth and operating them on another planet, or just space in general. Luckily, a few...

14 March 2019 00:00:00 EDT

How to protect your data on your old mobile device

With the rising costs of smartphones, many consumers are no longer prepared to pay the hefty price tag that comes with a brand new one. With iPhone’s having passed the $1000 line, many are now...

31 January 2019 00:00:00 EST

What is Write Amplification (WA) and how it affects the SSD?

In a recent blog, we described Garbage Collection and the Trim command. Both are methods to mark and set data that are no longer in use and can, therefore, be overwritten in a Flash NAND based SSD....

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