08 November 2018 00:00:00 EST
Kingston guest blog: What is Over-Provisioning and how does it benefit a SSD?
To begin with, let’s look into the differences between how a HDD vs. SSD writes. When it comes to data being saved on an HDD, the information will get placed wherever there is space for it. Often it...
01 November 2018 00:00:00 EDT
How nanotechnology could change data storage in the future
Since the beginning of the new millennium, nanotechnology has been a hot topic in both the media and tech industry. Over this period of time, there has been much debate regarding what exactly...
24 October 2018 00:00:00 EDT
Tape: the ultimate storage solution?
The tape has been the storage media of choice for long-term archiving since the 1950’s. Why? Because it’s a reliable, long-term option that can store valuable company data for 40+ years. The need to...
14 September 2018 00:00:00 EDT
Kingston Technology Guest Post: Are SSDs the future?
Kingston Technology and Ontrack Data Recovery launcehd new series of articles focusing on the 'Use of SSD's in IT.' Each blog will aim to provide basic information about technology, share insight...
05 September 2018 00:00:00 EDT
The main issues with the MacBook Pros embedded SSD
The new MacBook Pro has been released, and boy, does it look good! We’ve read the reviews, saved up the many, many pennies needed to buy it, and decided what version we want. But there is one problem...
16 August 2018 00:00:00 EDT
Webmail vs Email Clients: Which one is more secure?
Imagine a scenario…you’re typing away writing an important email on your Webmail account; you hit send and suddenly your computer screen goes black. You don’t panic as you think it’s probably nothing...
09 August 2018 00:00:00 EDT
The challenges in data recovery today
The majority of people think the development of technology over the years has helped to shape the world we now live in. Today’s computer/phone/tablet allow us to work wherever we want, talk to...