Data Recovery by Software

Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 eDiscovery and Granular Recovery with Ontrack PowerControls™

Rapidly search, find, and collect custodian email for eDiscovery. Save time and improve results with eDiscovery-ready mailbox reports and PST exports.

Selectively restore Exchange and Office 365 mailboxes, messages and other mail items – instead of the entire EDB, saving time and money.

Ontrack PowerControls for Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 Email Recovery

Powerful ediscovery collection for Exchange

Ontrack® PowerControls forensically sound ediscovery collection from archives, backups, and PSTs without restoring the entire database or using an Exchange Server. 

Granularly search and restore mailboxes, messages, attachments and other Microsoft® Office Outlook items and export ediscovery-ready PSTs.

In this video from Ontrack, the world leader in data recovery, Jack Morris, Ontrack's Strategic Business Development Manager runs through PowerControls Administrative Server.

Organizations face data challenges every day, especially when it comes to demonstrating accessibility, reporting, and compliance requirements. This is where Ontrack PowerControls can help.

Ontrack PowerControls for Exchange Product Features

Gray-Exchange Recovery 1 Search
Interrogate a whole EDB or a single mailbox. Search and filter by message subject, date, time, keywords and more.
Collect custodian mailboxes and messages for legal and compliance requests with the ability to split large PSTs on export.
Quickly get lost or deleted messages back into your production Exchange environment.
Drag and drop mailboxes to a PST, a live Exchange server or Office 365.

In this video from Ontrack, the leading data recovery provider, Jack Morris, Ontrack's Strategic Business Development Manager runs through Ontrack PowerControls ExtractWizard.

Organizations face a range of challenges when maintaining legacy back-ups and server licenses; Ontrack PowerControls for Extract Wizard will save you time and money.

In this video, Jack Morris, Ontrack's Strategic Business Development Manager, runs through Ontrack PowerControls for eDiscovery Collection. 

Ontrack PowerControls for eDiscovery Collection provides an easy to use and cost-effective, secure solution for eDiscovery. 

Enhanced features for Ontrack PowerControls for Exchange

Note: PowerPacks are available as a separately priced option for custom licenses. 

PowerPack for ExtractWizard

Extract EDBs from tape or disk backups for ediscovery and investigations without the backup software. Save money by retiring legacy backup servers. Meet compliance requirements by ensuring access to email archives.

Ontrack PowerControls has ExtractWizard supports common backup software formats including:

  • Netbackup (Veritas/Symantec)
  • Dell EMC NetWorker (Dell EMC)
  • Tivoli Storage Manager (IBM)
  • Backup Exec (Veritas/Symantec)
  • Agent for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
  • Commvault
  • Data Protector (HPE)
  • Arcserve
  • UltraBac
  • Windows NT Backup

PowerPack for Exchange

The following PowerPacks for Exchange can be added for enhanced search and analysis capabilities:

Agent for Advanced Searching: This agent offers the ability to search within and across custodians for any combination of attachment text, message subject, message body, and attachment file name(s).

Agent for PST as a Source: Allows you to select any PST file and open it as a source data store that performs all database operations including copying, exporting, and searching. Parent folders are implemented for PST sources.

Agent for Content Analysis: Reduces the time taken to perform complex email searches. Administrators can create their own Content Analysis Stores containing multiple data sources, including legacy backup tapes, rather than searching one source at a time.

Agent for Administrative Services: Role based access, auditing and reporting. Enables the top level administrator to centrally control permissions within Ontrack PowerControls to mirror your organization's internal IT security policies and control access to mailboxes. Critical for compliance with highly regulated organizations. This agent also performs centralized activity auditing to track and record all actions taken by a Ontrack PowerControls user.

Ontrack PowerControls for Exchange

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Recover exchange email data

Let us build a license for your enterprise

  • Customize a license for your business needs
  • Licenses available for the capacity you need for small businesses through the largest global enterprises
  • License 1, 2 or all Ontrack® PowerControls™ applications depending on your needs
    Commercial licenses available for MSPs, ediscovery and other service providers

Partnerships and API Integration


Resell to your customers

  • Grow revenue while saving your customers time and money
  • Generous partner discounts
  • Resell on a project-by-project basis or to larger clients who manage their own data on-premises
Provide hosting services

Provide hosting services

  • Rapidly recover items for your business customers and end users
  • Differentiate your service offerings with granular restore
  • Commercial unlimited use licenses
For eDiscovery service providers

For eDiscovery service providers

  • Extract items from backups for your client projects
  • Forensically sound with no impact to metadata
  • Commercial unlimited use licenses
For backup and storage OEMs

For backup and storage OEMs

  • Bundle with your data protection platform to provide item level granular restore
  • Licensing aligned to your business model
  • Option to integrate the API to run the Ontrack PowerControls libraries within your user interface

Powercontrols for Exchange FAQs

How do I restore Microsoft Outlook emails with PowerControls software?

You can drag or copy and paste to restore a mailbox to a target PST root node or folder, or to a Microsoft Exchange Server root node, mailbox, or folder.
  1. In the Source pane, copy a mailbox (for example, User 1).
  2. In the Target pane, paste the mailbox into a folder, mailbox, PST root node, or Microsoft Exchange Server root node.
  3. In the Copy Progress window, verify your results to make sure that your messages from all mailboxes were copied to the target destination.
  4. In the Copy Progress window, click Close to return to the Ontrack PowerControls main window.
  5. All unduplicated messages in a mailbox are restored and their directory structure is preserved. If the mailbox does not exist in the target destination, a folder with its name is created.

How do I retrieve emails from an Exchange Server with the PowerControls software?

Use Ontrack® PowerControls™ to connect to the Exchange Server as a Target.Click Find in Target, and then, in the Target pane, select the folder (for example, mailbox(es), Inbox) you want to search. The selected folder(s) define the scope of the search.In the Search for words box, enter one or more words or phrases if you want to execute a keyword search using Boolean syntax, for example ["dog” AND "cat” AND "mouse”] OR ["rat]. Use the Exclude words box to refine the search.Select where to search using Search In, and select one or more of the following checkboxes: Message Subject, Message Body, Attachment File Name(s), or Attachment Text.Ontrack PowerControls has the ability to search multiple levels of embedded message items. Select Attachment Text in the Select in the checkbox. For Date, select an action performed on the document (such as Received, Sent, or Due) and qualify with dates for After, Before, or both. To preview the message items returned by the search, click the Preview checkbox.Ontrack PowerControls has the ability to further refine the search by applying additional filter criteria to the search results. In the Results area, select the message items you want to export.On the Tools menu in the Find in Exchange Target window, click Export.On the Tools menu, click Export.On the toolbar, click the Export icon. Right-click the mailbox, folder, or public EDB root, and on the shortcut menu, click Export. The Export Mailbox or Export Folder window appears. In the Format box, select PST, MSG, or TXT. In the Export to File or Export to Folder box, do one of the following: If you selected the PST format, enter the name of the resulting PST file. If you are exporting a mailbox, the name of the PST file defaults to the name of the mailbox (which can be modified).If you selected the MSG or TXT format, enter the location of the exported mailbox, folder, or public EDB file. Select the Export Subfolders checkbox if you want to export all of the subfolders for the selected mailbox or folder. Filter by date range if desired. Click Export.

How do I extract and restore Microsoft Exchange from tape?

Use Ontrack PowerControls ExtractWizard to select the backup with the target Exchange database file (.edb), usually identified by Exchange Server and date. ExtractWizard supports all major backup formats. Select the .edb and extract to a target location on your network. Launch Ontrack PowerControls for Exchange and select the .edb as the source. Search across the entire .edb or within individual mailboxes, folders, attachments, and calendar items. With the advanced find functions of Ontrack PowerControls, it is easy to search by matching keywords, excluding keywords, dates, senders, subjects, and recipients. Select the items to be restored to the Exchange Server or exported for ediscovery.

How do I recover an email from Microsoft Exchange which is stored on a tape?

You can recover a single email from tape by using Ontrack PowerControls for Microsoft Exchange. To access a single email, you just have to import an existing Exchange database file (.edb) or Personal Storage file (.pst) into the software. By doing so, you now have full access to the emails inside the Exchange or Outlook database file. Then, you can easily find the email required by using the advanced search functions, selecting the item and copying and pasting the email to any location.

How do I restore emails from Microsoft Exchange?

Normally emails are stored deep within your backup software. The complete Microsoft Exchange mailbox server database file (.edb) is embedded within the backup software files. The .edb file contains all the mailboxes and their respective emails.In order to gain access to the emails, you must first restore the backup access the .edb file. Then you have two options:You make a brick-level backup with another physical Microsoft Exchange mailbox server to restore all or single emailsIf you prefer an easy and reliable way, you use Ontrack PowerControlsOntrack PowerControls is a specialised software package which allows you to easily extract the .edb file from its container format with its ExtractWizard and import it into the software. Soon after, you have full access to each and every email from the Microsoft Exchange mailbox server. Since Ontrack PowerControls maintains the integrity of the Exchange source files, it is the perfect tool to search, identify and export relevant data for ediscovery review or for compliance and regulatory requests.

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