German service partner turns to Ontrack to recover business and personal data from external RAID drives

August 21, 2024

The Situation The client used an Apple Macintosh desktop to work on multiple design projects for clients, backing them up to two external RAID drives. Both drives were attached directly to the Apple...

The Situation A single user’s laptop at a large pharmaceutical company was infected with CryptoLocker ransomware. This malware encrypts the user’s files and withholds the encryption key until you pay...

The Situation A large UK Government organization had to learn the hard way that even RAID 6 arrays, known for their reliability, are not 100 percent impervious to hardware failure. Unfortunately, the...

The Situation A multinational client had fallen victim to the disappearance of crucial financial data and office files, with no backup data plan in place. After realizing the urgency of the data loss...

The Situation A client inadvertently ran a command that deleted critical files on a Dell/EMC Isilon storage array containing 270 disks totaling 2 petabytes (PB). The Solution After having the drives...

The Situation A client recently experienced a remote ransomware attack that resulted in Ontrack engineers being presented with one of their most extraordinary data recovery efforts to date: restoring...

The Situation According to the manager of the resort, the server contained every single record of their operations since the day that they opened – property management, reservations, accounting,...

KLDiscovery Ontrack Canada Co, 600-1741 Lower Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 0J2, Canada (see all locations)