Recovering Deleted Data: A Dell EMC Storage Success Story

Written By: Ontrack

Date Published: September 06, 2022

Recovering Deleted Data: A Dell EMC Storage Success Story

Accidents happen.

When it comes to data, a single slip of the finger while running a command is all it takes for critical information to go missing from your hard drive. Fortunately, Ontrack performs hard drive recovery from any make, model, brand, or operating system…much to the relief of one of our most recent clients.

A Case of Accidentally Deleted Data

After inadvertently running a command that deleted multiple files from a Dell server, the client turned to Ontrack with the hope that our expert engineers could recover 2 petabytes (PB) of data storage containing 270 disks total.

The unique urgency assigned to the issue prompted the client to hop on a private jet and personally deliver the drives to Ontrack for repair. Upon receipt, our engineers conducted an immediate evaluation of the drives and determined that assistance would be needed based on the version of Isilon running on the system. The solution? A call to our Just In Time (JIT) custom development team for backup. Within eight weeks (including the dedication of nights, weekends, and holidays) the recovered data set was able to be returned to the client.

…but that was hardly the end of Ontrack’s data recovery engagement.

Efforts That Exceed Expectations

Not only did our client need their Dell server data fully restored, but they were also required to provide proof that the recovery efforts were exhaustive in accordance with regulatory requirements. The JIT team was once again called upon to comb through the 270 drives to search for any files that matched the requirements and create a process that would search, copy, and deduplicate any specific files that were found across each disk.

A months-long endeavor, the process of thoroughly inspecting the Dell hard drives yielded more than 300 million files, including 13 terabytes (TB) of PDF and JPG files.

Ontrack Data Recovery for Dell Data Storage

This particular case is one of many successful Dell data recovery stories for Ontrack. As a data recovery partner with Dell, Ontrack has been recovering data from Dell storage systems for years. With capabilities that span multiple data storage solutions, our expert engineers provide expertise in restoring data loss from all Dell servers, including:

  • Dell PowerEdge Tower Servers
  • PowerEdge Rack Servers
  • PowerEdge FX Series Modular Infrastructure
  • Dell PowerVault Structure
  • EqualLogic PS Series
  • Dell Storage MD Series
  • Dell Storage FS Series

Need data recovery from a different brand or device type? Rest assured that Ontrack’s experts can be trusted to recover data from any make, model or system. Watch this video to learn more about common scenarios or start your free data recovery evaluation with Ontrack today.


KLDiscovery Ontrack Canada Co, 600-1741 Lower Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 0J2, Canada (see all locations)