What are the types of Veeam backups?

August 15, 2023

There are three backup types that Veeam uses: Full Backup A full backup to a VBK file is where at least one file is used for full block copies for virtual machines. Multiple VMs can also be stored in...

August 04, 2023

RAID recovery by Ontrack at all levels

Data loss can occur at different levels. Because of the vast amount of experience and patented technology gathered by our global team of data recovery experts, Ontrack is able to perform data...

August 04, 2023

Background information about RAID

What is RAID? Redundant Array of Independent (originally Inexpensive) Disks (RAID) storage has revolutionized enterprise data storage technology, building in the peace of mind of redundancy (from...

September 06, 2022

Internet tips for DIY data recovery to blame for permanent data loss

Minneapolis, Minn., July 27, 2017 – The data recovery experts at Kroll Ontrack are seeing an increase in do-it-yourself (DIY) data recovery attempts on media shipped to their labs. “Access to DIY...

September 06, 2022

A Rundown on the History of Data Management

It is easy in the data storage and data management world and say that it is constantly changing and the development of new technology is taking place everyday. Looking back at the history of data...

September 06, 2022

Enterprise and Client SSDs compared - Part 1

A growing number of high-throughput, low-latency business data centers have relied on hard disk drives (HDDs) in their servers and are now facing performance bottlenecks. Today, they envisage Solid...

September 06, 2022

Encryption - Secret Codes for Data Security

There is so much in the news lately about data security, but what does that exactly mean? According to Wikipedia, “Data security means protecting data, such as a database, from destructive forces,...

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