RAID 10: A partnership between RAID 1 and RAID 0
While the RAID system overall makes it possible to optimize data storage by distributing it over several hard disks, each configuration has its own advantages. RAID 10 requires at least 4 drives and...
How to Recover Deleted videos
Imagine a situation in which you have accidentally deleted your precious birthday video off of your hard drive or your business video project is nowhere to be found on your USB stick. What do you do?...
How to recover damaged video files?
The process of copying and transferring a video from one media device to another can sometimes result in that file being corrupted. But, if this happens, it does not necessarily mean that the file is...
How to Recover Deleted Photos?
Photos are the guardians of our memories. Now mainly stored digitally, particularly on hard drives, many people despair when they become corrupted or are accidentally deleted. Luckily, there are some...
Why does Ontrack have the world’s best technology in data recovery?
We are the oldest data recovery company Ontrack began its journey in 1985 in the software industry. The first product produced by Ontrack was the Disk Manager®, a software program that made the...
How to Recovery Photos from an SD Card.
It is not unusual to face the loss of files, especially photos stored on a memory card. A simple mistake when handling is enough to delete your photos. Thankfully you can recover your photos thanks...