How to fix a windows blue screen of death (BSOD)

September 06, 2022

We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of typing a document or watching a movie and a sea of blue descends upon your screen. It may be iconic, but it’s possibly the most frustrating thing since...

September 06, 2022

How to Wipe Data from Your Old Phone

Whether you’re due an upgrade or you’ve simply decided that it’s high time you invested in a new smartphone, one thing that you are probably considering is either selling or trading in your old one...

September 06, 2022

As Public Cloud Storage Grows, Watch Out for Data Loss

Cloud storage is a model of data storage where digital data is stored in logical pools. The physical storage runs across multiple servers and the physical environment is usually owned and managed by...

September 06, 2022

Is data recovery the same as storage repair?

A couple of days ago, our service team in Germany received an email from a customer that showed there is still a long way to go in regards to educating people about data recovery. Ladies and...

September 06, 2022

Protecting Your Data From The Threats of Hacking: Part 2

In the tough world of IT, there are still actions which can save your data from hacking and viruses. Use common sense It is the first tool to prevent against hackers. First, beware of suspicious...

September 06, 2022

How To Recover Your Bitcoins? On Your Own Or With An Expert

This question is still a very hot topic for all owners of bitcoins. Even though most of the so-called bitcoin owners in reality don't really own a bitcoin or parts of it, and only have an account on...

September 06, 2022

Encryption - Business Risk Becomes Technology Dependent

Encryption Encryption continues to be the topic on every CIO and IT person’s lips nowadays. No one wants to end up in the news as the next victim of a privacy breach or the next company that didn’t...

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