Digital Data: Under Pressure From Climate Change?

November 05, 2024

Climate change and its effects are now more prevalent than ever. It is becoming more common that access to our personal data, photos and memories and critical business information is being affected....

September 27, 2024

End of Support for ibi Devices: What You Need to Know

As of August 31st, 2024, Western Digital has officially ended support and services for all ibi devices. If you're an ibi device owner, you might be wondering how this impacts your ability to access...

August 20, 2024

Hard drive failures: Different Types

It's highly likely that every user of computer equipment will, at one time or another, have to deal with data loss due to a hard drive failure. Indeed, no hard drive is infallible... As the market...

August 16, 2024

Tape Manager Services for Legacy Data Control

With businesses generating, storing, and utilizing more data than ever before, the secure storage and archiving of legacy data is essential if businesses want to meet their industry’s compliance...

August 16, 2024

Hard Drive Failures vs. Solid-State and Flash Failures

We’ve examined the proper way to assess your data loss situation at the onset and the differences between logical data loss and physical data loss. Now, we’ll discuss the different types of damage...

August 15, 2024

Dealing With A Ransomware Attack

A ransomware attack is one of the biggest threats facing online users. In this article we cover a couple of points when dealing with Ransomware. In short: What to do if you’ve been hit by ransomware?...

August 15, 2024

6 simple tips to protect yourself against ransomware

Hardly a day goes by without a corporate IT system or a privately owned computer being infected by ransomware. Every time the result is same: the victims are blackmailed with high monetary demands....

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