Disaster Recovery Plan – Prepare for the nightmare

Written By: Ontrack

Date Published: September 06, 2022

Disaster Recovery Plan – Prepare for the nightmare

If you manage data storage in any way, it’s probably not the bump in the night which frightens you. It is the blinking red lights, or the fear of no lights at all which keeps you up at night. Prepping for disaster recovery can sometimes seem like a monster task, but it is necessary to reduce downtime in the event of an emergency.

When talking about disaster recovery, from a data recovery perspective, the image that haunts you might be that there are no images, files, etc. left on your storage. At Ontrack we always recommend to create a backup your data and check it often, but there are other areas to consider for disaster recovery as well.

We recently participated in the Spiceworks’ event “Disaster Recovery: Bringing Your Servers Back from the DEAD!” along with Scale Computing, Quorum and Carbonite where we answered questions from participants on Disaster Recovery planning.

If you are in need, or are in the middle of creating a disaster recovery plan the recording would be worth the time to view. You will be able to listen to answers to real questions by others who manage data storage.


KLDiscovery Ontrack Canada Co, 600-1741 Lower Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 0J2, Canada (see all locations)