How do I retrieve emails from an Exchange Server with the PowerControls software?
Use Ontrack® PowerControls™ to connect to the Exchange Server as a Target.Click Find in Target, and then, in the Target pane, select the folder (for example, mailbox(es), Inbox) you want to search. The selected folder(s) define the scope of the search.In the Search for words box, enter one or more words or phrases if you want to execute a keyword search using Boolean syntax, for example ["dog” AND "cat” AND "mouse”] OR ["rat]. Use the Exclude words box to refine the search.Select where to search using Search In, and select one or more of the following checkboxes: Message Subject, Message Body, Attachment File Name(s), or Attachment Text.Ontrack PowerControls has the ability to search multiple levels of embedded message items. Select Attachment Text in the Select in the checkbox. For Date, select an action performed on the document (such as Received, Sent, or Due) and qualify with dates for After, Before, or both. To preview the message items returned by the search, click the Preview checkbox.Ontrack PowerControls has the ability to further refine the search by applying additional filter criteria to the search results. In the Results area, select the message items you want to export.On the Tools menu in the Find in Exchange Target window, click Export.On the Tools menu, click Export.On the toolbar, click the Export icon. Right-click the mailbox, folder, or public EDB root, and on the shortcut menu, click Export. The Export Mailbox or Export Folder window appears. In the Format box, select PST, MSG, or TXT. In the Export to File or Export to Folder box, do one of the following: If you selected the PST format, enter the name of the resulting PST file. If you are exporting a mailbox, the name of the PST file defaults to the name of the mailbox (which can be modified).If you selected the MSG or TXT format, enter the location of the exported mailbox, folder, or public EDB file. Select the Export Subfolders checkbox if you want to export all of the subfolders for the selected mailbox or folder. Filter by date range if desired. Click Export.