Background information about RAID

4 August 2023 5:27:53 AM

What is RAID? Redundant Array of Independent (originally Inexpensive) Disks (RAID) storage has revolutionised enterprise data storage technology, building in the peace of mind of redundancy (from...

1 September 2022 10:15:02 AM

Tape archives: What you don’t know can hurt you

If your only exposure to the world of data storage has been in the context of a small to medium-sized business or a startup, you might think of magnetic tape as a relic from another era of enterprise...

1 September 2022 10:15:02 AM

7 factors to be aware of when moving offices

One scenario that any office manager will inevitably dread is the logistical nightmare that is moving to new premises. Whether you're a booming business that's outgrowing its existing space, or...

1 September 2022 10:15:02 AM

How to make your data backup failure proof?

Most people will experience a form of data loss at least once in their lifetime. Knowing this fact, it is even more important to ensure any data you may have is backed-up, so you don’t find yourself...

1 September 2022 10:15:02 AM

Are your Android apps putting your phone at risk?

If you own an Android, you’re probably a regular visitor to the Google Play Store. Having the latest Android gaming app, or an app to tell you how many reps you’ve done at the gym is part and parcel...

1 September 2022 10:15:02 AM

Solid state drive recovery after spilt water on MacBook

A few months ago, Michael Leadbetter, had one of his worst nightmares come true. The well-regarded Brisbane-based corporate, magazine and wedding photographer spent the day photographing and filming...

1 September 2022 10:15:02 AM

Broken screen on phone or tablet: how to get to the data?

Nowadays, our smartphones and tablet PCs are great: small, light, practical and portable. But they are so easy to break; a metre’s fall to the floor is often more than enough for the screen to break,...

KLDiscovery Ontrack Pty Ltd, Suite 9, 28 Donkin Street, West End, Brisbane, QLD 4101, Australia (see all locations)